Sunday, April 26, 2009

My first big exam..

yeah my final exam..actually i enjoy doing the will prove how far i can go and learn all this time..but still very lazy ..28 thats the date my exam starts and i have done agm..only start studying that subject a day before that exam...mmg best..all the time on study week waste on opinion on my exam..i do just ok kowt..insyallah i can get a+...

cant wait for the final exam tp finished..:))))))))))

Friday, April 10, 2009


Finally i finished reading my twilight book for a second time.and finally i understand why edward this why his lover do that...haha..a guy reading a love story novel .actually i myself quite suprised but then u never expect that thing is actually fun to do.I have a lot of fun reading that books..lastly edward and her lover live happily for now..haha..have started reading the second sequel new moon..quite interresting so far and cant wait to finished it..My final exam is coming soon..hope i will do well especially with mathematics and my political science subject..Insyallah>:)))))

Finally back for study week

Yeah study week ,to me that's a vacation, a week that definitely i will use it to enjoy...see my friends,Wan kebab.haha..miss the studio that we always far the study week doesnt help at all..not studying sgt...currently tring hard to produce the lyric and music for my band Anatomy defines .yeah check it out soon..although we do not have any song yet but insyallah soon..all members busy with their commitment..study2..and nina i will use ur poem that u gave me and try to put some music into it.haha.ur words are beautiful..thanxs...actually i dont know what to write .blank with words for study only..

Go go exam is coming..