Friday, April 10, 2009


Finally i finished reading my twilight book for a second time.and finally i understand why edward this why his lover do that...haha..a guy reading a love story novel .actually i myself quite suprised but then u never expect that thing is actually fun to do.I have a lot of fun reading that books..lastly edward and her lover live happily for now..haha..have started reading the second sequel new moon..quite interresting so far and cant wait to finished it..My final exam is coming soon..hope i will do well especially with mathematics and my political science subject..Insyallah>:)))))


nur hanina said...

haha lg bes buku dari movie an?:D

megatogiga~ said...

yeah theres a lot of difference

salawati88@utm said...

there's book num 4...tebal gler...
ur an avid fan of u wana b like u read mind???bet u cnt read mine..hehehehe..
ya ull enjoy it..i love it too..

Lisa said...

ahaa! i found another guy who reads twilight

good for you

think u can beat edward cullen? ;p (gaya mencabar LOL)

Anonymous said...

weh dari ko beli novel ni baik ko beli album black dahlia murder utk aku haha